Affirmative Physiological Sigh
Begin in the bottom right corner of the triangle. Inhale fully through your nose as you trace along the turquoise line. Trace the second turquoise line upward, inhaling even further through the nose. Trace the pink line downward as you exhale through your mouth. Tell yourself “I got this.” Believe that no matter the obstacle, stressor, or feeling, you can cope with it. Repeat 3x.
(Inhale/exhales can be done through either the nose or mouth if the directed way is not accessible).
Begin in the bottom right corner of the triangle. Inhale fully through your nose as you trace along the turquoise line. Trace the second turquoise line upward, inhaling even further through the nose. Trace the pink line downward as you exhale through your mouth. Tell yourself “I got this.” Believe that no matter the obstacle, stressor, or feeling, you can cope with it. Repeat 3x.
(Inhale/exhales can be done through either the nose or mouth if the directed way is not accessible).
Begin in the bottom right corner of the triangle. Inhale fully through your nose as you trace along the turquoise line. Trace the second turquoise line upward, inhaling even further through the nose. Trace the pink line downward as you exhale through your mouth. Tell yourself “I got this.” Believe that no matter the obstacle, stressor, or feeling, you can cope with it. Repeat 3x.
(Inhale/exhales can be done through either the nose or mouth if the directed way is not accessible).